Visitor Information

Parents/guardians or visitors entering the school buildings are required to use the main entrance doors. All parents and visitors must report to the school office when entering a district school building. This request is not made to inconvenience visitors but to provide safety to the children and staff members working within a given school building.  Badges will be issued to anyone registering in the school office. Visitors present in school hallways without a dated visitor’s badge will be asked to report to the office. No person is to go directly to a classroom. Visitors are not permitted to leave the office area (i.e. visit classroom, teachers, students, etc.) without approval.

Classroom Visits

Classroom instruction time is valuable. Because it is imperative that teachers make the best use of their available instructional time, parents and visitors cannot make direct visitations to classrooms during teaching hours unless an appointment has been scheduled for a given time with a teacher. Again, parents and family members are asked to NOT visit their child’s classroom or teacher without first signing in with the secretary in the school office. While teachers and administrators are available to assist parents/guardians with concerns and questions, the district asks that individuals call for an appointment when the need arises to speak with appropriate school personnel. Lunches or school items are forgotten at home may be brought to school and left in the school office. A secretary will ensure that the items are then delivered to the child.

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